无论是想交易赚个差价,还是看好数字货币的长期价值,都一定要有数字货币钱包。全球知名的数字货币钱包有71个*。所以,选一个合适的数字货币钱包比较困难,如果你是个萌新就会难上加难。 这篇文章重点要讲4件事:什么是数字货币钱包,工作原理,挑选原则,顶级的几款钱包介绍。 1.什么是数字货币钱包 首先纠正一个误区:数字货币钱包并不是传统意义的钱包,加密货币是去中心化的,所以数字货币钱包里面并不存钱,钱包只存储公钥和私钥。 2.那么数字货币钱包是如何工作的呢? 私钥是一个随机生成的字符串,通过使用私钥我们可以进行转账。私钥丢了,意味着钱没了。 公钥是根据私钥加密生成的字符串,公钥是对外公开的,别人可以往这个地址里转币了。 映射到传统金融体系:公钥就是银行卡号,私钥就是密码。 3.数字货币钱包类型 按照钱包场景,钱包可以分为5个类型:电脑钱包、移动端钱包、云端钱包、硬件钱包、纸钱包 电脑钱包:电脑里下载一个钱包,相对比较安全,但是现在啥电脑都会联网,只要联网就可能被黑,只能说相对比较安全。 移动端钱包:移动端钱包就是电脑钱包的翻版,只不过就是运营在手机上而已,现在移动网民用户量已经超过35亿**,所以这个普及度更高。这类钱包通常把私钥存储在手机上,但是大多数平台都不那么可靠,所以这个也并不是十分安全。 在线钱包:在线私钥存在云端,只要联网,就能用这个钱包。在云端的感觉,总有种被窥视的感觉,也会带给你不安全感觉。 硬件钱包:硬件钱包就是把钱包存在硬件里,类似于小U盘之类的。这类钱包的缺点是:硬件得花钱买。如果你是价值投资者,相信长期的力量,不会在短期内进行交易。那么你可以用硬件钱包,硬件钱包。 纸钱包:就是通过各种物理手段,比如用一张纸记下来,或者转移成一个二维码存起来,容易丢,输入也不方便。 4.你需要什么样的钱包? 安全和体验不能同时获得,要根据自己的实际情况选钱包,需要问自己几个问题: 我是不是天天看钱包,每天都转账;我要在钱包里存多少种数字货币;愿不愿意花钱买钱包,愿意花多少钱;安全是否是最最最最重要的;是否愿意为了安全牺牲一些体验? 钱包费用:除了硬件钱包,其他钱包一般都是免费的。 安全性:硬件钱包是最安全的,需要多做点功课,比如看看这个钱包公司的经营时间,还有是否值得信赖。 用户友好:移动端钱包、电脑钱包用户友好,操作方便。 便捷性:全球约有3000多种数字货币。如果你打算持有多种数字货币,最好选个硬件钱包,因为硬件钱包支持的币种多,比如Ledger Nano S 以及Trezor,支持超过700个币种。 5.全球Top数字货币加密钱包 根据前面介绍的钱包方向,接下来我会介绍每个方向的头部钱包。 (1)Coinbase:最好的在线钱包 Coinbase Coinbase是货币交易所,所以他们提供钱包服务也是顺理成章的。FDIC*** 为Coinbase的每个账户投保了25万美金的保额。我们可以通过浏览器、IOS、安卓使用他的钱包服务。 (2)BlockChain:最好的在线钱包 Blockchain 基本功能与Coinnbase一样。 (3)Ledger Nano S:最好的硬件钱包 Ledger Nano S 支持超过700种币,长得有点像个U盘。 (4)Trezor One:最好的硬件钱包 Trezor One 这个钱包设计的挺时尚的,也支持超过700个币种。 (5)Copay:最好的移动端钱包 Copay 这个钱包信誉挺好。 (6)Electrum:最好的电脑钱包 Electrum 只支持比特币。 (7)Exodus:最好的电脑钱包 Exodus 界面很好看,安全性做的也不错,主流币种全部支持,比如:Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash,Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, 0x, EOS, Storj等。 (8)其他电子钱包 以上介绍的都是主流电子钱包,没能把所有的电子钱包全部介绍一遍, 以下是G2全球的评分,有兴趣的朋友可以自己去看看 G2 6、最后的思考 希望自己写的东西能帮到别人吧。 *数据来源:G2,全球著名的B2B针对企业用户的软件评测平台,在同类网站中影响力最大、权威性最高,被称为商用软件领域的“大众点评”。 **数据来源:Newzoo,全球游戏和电竞行业数据分析及市场情报的行业领导者。 ***FDIC:美国联邦存款保险公司 如果想探讨更多关于数字货币的信息,欢迎加微信:bityue,或者关注微信公众号:区块见闻。 English Version Whether you’re planning to start trading or simply holding crypto coins for future investments, a cryptocurrency wallet isa must-have. So, considering your goal, you need to know how to choose the right crypto wallet. In this industry, wallets are an essential part of owning andinvesting in cryptocurrencies, regardless of their type. But since there are so many good options in 2020,choosing the right walletcan turn into a burden. Especially if you’re new in the crypto world. This article will guide you toward learning all there is to know about wallets –what they are,how they work,what to consider when choosingone, and what are thebest crypto wallets to get. 1. What are crypto wallets all about? Right off the bat, we need to talk about one of the most commonmisconceptions?about cryptocurrency wallets. Even though crypto wallets are similar to traditional wallets, they don’t actually store yourcryptocurrency. As you already know,cryptocurrencies are decentralized. Meaning that they aren’t stored in a single location, but instead are recorded in the form of transactions and stored on theblockchain. Hence,crypto walletsare software programs that store yourpublic and private keys. To simply put it, they are like bank accounts. They allow you to track your balance and make transactions, all from one place. No “real” coins are actually ever exchanged. 2. But how do these keys work? Aprivate keyis a randomly generated string of numbers and letters. Your private key allows you to send cryptocurrency to someone else. Without it, you can’t approve transactions. So it’s crucial to keep it as safe as possible. Losing your private key means losing your coins. Thepublic keyis a key that others can see. It’s derived from the private key through a hash. The public key is your wallet address, and it’s used by others to send cryptocurrencies to your wallet. Think of it like this: your public key is your bank account, and your private key is your security code. It’s fine for people to know your public key, but not your private one. Here’s a practical example. When a person sends you crypto coins, they are signing off ownership of those coins to yourwallet’s address. But tospend those coins, the private key stored in your wallet must match the public address they are assigned to. If the public and private keys match, the balance of the wallet will increase, while the senders will decrease accordingly. 3. Types of crypto wallets Crypto wallets can be broken down into five categories: Desktop Online Mobile Hardware Paper ( Check theRipple Paper Walletexample ) Desktop wallets You can download and install desktopwallets on your computerregardless of the operating system you run. They are a relatively safe method of storage since they can only be accessed through your computer. However, like most things nowadays, our PCs are constantly connected to the Internet. So never assume that your keys can’t get stolen. Online wallets Online wallets “run”on the cloud, which makes them very convenient as you can access them from virtually anywhere in the world. As long as you’re connected to the Internet, that is. However, the online storage of the keys also poses a threat. Your keys are not fully in your control, and by centralizing numerous keys you make them more vulnerable to attacks. It’s worth mentioning that online wallets are usually used bycrypto exchanges. Mobile wallets Mobile wallets are the equivalent of desktop wallets, and they are designed to runon your smartphone. Since mobile phones are such a big part of our daily lives, it’s no wonder that mobile wallets are among the most convenient types of crypto wallets. They are also notoriously user-friendly as well as quite stylish. Another upside is that your keys are usuallystored locallyon your smartphone. But considering the doubtful security of most platforms, mobile wallets tend to suffer from various security shortcomings. SIDENOTE.Certain mobile wallets also store their keys in a cloud, as a safety precaution. Make sure to thoroughly research how a wallet works before deciding which to use. Hardware wallets If you’re serious about storing your cryptocurrencies for the long-run, then as far as security goes, a hardware wallet is your best option. Unlike software wallets, hardware wallets store your keyson a hardware device. Most of them are designed to be safe even when connecting them to infected computers. The only major drawback of hardware wallets is their price. ?But we all know that good things don’t come cheap. Paper wallets As the name suggests, paper wallets allow you to store your private and public keyson print, usually via QR codes. But it doesn’t have to be only paper. You can also print them on plastic, similar to a credit card. As strange as it might sound, it’s actually avery safe?solution to store your private keys. In order to spend money from your paper wallet, you need to first transfer it to a software wallet. This process is known as“sweeping”. As you can tell, the main drawback is the fact that a printed wallet can easily get lost or stolen. 4. What type of wallet do you need? Of course, choosing the best cryptocurrency wallet is a matter of preference. But selecting it should involve a set of pragmatic and practical reasons. Before anything, it’s important to ask yourself: Do I need daily, quick access to this wallet? How many currencies will I hold? What are the costs? Is security important to me? Am I willing to trade security for convenience? Costs Most cryptocurrency wallets areusually free,but some, like hardware wallets, require a small investment. If you plan to hold onto your coins for longer periods of time (or if you’re holding large amounts of cryptocurrency), we recommend?investing in a hardware wallet. Security Keeping your funds secure is extremely important and should be at the top of your priority list when choosing a wallet. It’s important to carry out plenty of research about the wallet’ssecurity features. If you want to make sure that you’ve done everything possible towards ensuring the security of your funds, then opt for a hardware wallet. Mobility When it comes to mobility and convenience, online and web wallets are your best friend. You canaccess them from anywhere, regardless of the device you’re using. User-friendliness User-friendliness is one of the most critical aspects of any type of crypto wallet. It can mean the difference between enjoying using the wallet and getting frustrated with it. Generally, mobile and desktop wallets are very user-friendly, and they don’t need much work to set them up properly. Convenience (multi-currency) If you’re planning to hold more than one cryptocurrency, then picking a wallet with multi-currency support is a must. Usually, it’s recommended topick a renowned wallet, with many reviews and good support. 你知道吗?体彩又开辟了新的渠道,充电站也开始卖彩票了。 But if you’re planning to use the wallet for just one crypto coin, you should check out the coin’s website to see if they have adedicated wallet. We recommended hardware wallets a few times in this article, and one of their main advantages is their number of?supported cryptocurrencies. For example, two of the best-selling hardware wallets (Ledger Nano SandTrezor) boast support for over 700 coins and tokens. 5. Top cryptocurrency wallets To make it easier for you when it comes to choosing the perfect wallet, we will take a look at some of thebest walletsfrom each category. The best online wallets Coinbase Coinbase Coinbase is acrypto exchange service, so them creating their own wallet makes perfect sense. Their wallet isone of the most popularonline walletsand it’s one of the best possible options for people that are starting out in the crypto world. TheCoinbase Walletis covered by the FDIC insurance for up to $250,000 of your fiat. You can access it via any modern web browser or through the official iOS and Android apps. At the same time, it allows you to use a 2-Factor Authentication system or use Google Authenticator for more protection. Blockchain Blockchain If you’re not a fan of Coinbase, theBlockchain Walletis a perfect alternative. Just like in the case of Coinbase,Blockchain.infois accessible via any modern web browser or through its official mobile applications. It also uses a 2FA system, and it provides you with the possibility of securing your funds using a four-digit password. The best hardware wallets Ledger Nano S Ledger Nano S TheLedger Nano Sisone of the most successful hardware walletscurrently on the market, and it has a lot going for it. For starters, it comes with support forover 700 coins and tokens, and enough security features to keep even the most security-savvy users happy. It has a simple design (very similar to a typical USB stick) with the addition of a small LCD screen and two physical buttons for transaction verification and confirmation purposes. Trezor One Trezor One In case you find Ledger Nano S to be a bit too conservative about its design, you can check outTrezor One, its direct competitor. Just like Ledger Nano S, this wallet also comes with support for over 700 coins and tokens, and lots of security features. The best mobile wallets Copay Copay Copayis ahighly reputable mobile crypto walletbacked by one of the leading Bitcoin payment firms. It’s available for bothAndroid?andiOS, but it also comes in the form of web and desktop apps (available for Windows, macOS, and Linux). It supports Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash and is free to use. In terms of security, Copay is very well rated. It’s one of the first Bitcoin wallets to support the full Bitcoin Payment protocol. Another big advantage of the wallet is the fact that it’s very easy to use, making it perfect for beginners. The best desktop wallets Electrum Electrum Electrumis a lightweight and very fast desktop (and mobile) cryptocurrency wallet. It is popular for its variety of features which make itone of the most flexiblechoices out there. It provides cold storage solutions, as well as integration with some of the best hardware wallets: Ledger Nano S, KeepKey, and Trezor. The Electrum wallet also features integration with Tor, and it has top-notchencryption technologiesbuilt within, which means it’s very secure and it protects your anonymity. However, the Electrum walletonly supports Bitcoin. So if you’re planning to use any other cryptocurrencies, you might want to look for a different wallet. Exodus Exodus If user-friendliness, as well as security and convenience, are what you’re after, thenExodusis definitely a good choice. It’sone of the best-looking cryptocurrency wallets, with a modern and stylish interface and enough practical eye candy to help you control all your crypto funds. It supportsa wide range of cryptocurrencies, including some of the most popular such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash,Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, 0x, EOS, Storj, and more. Other wallets worth mentioning While the above mentioned wallets are market leaders, it would be a shame not to talk about upcoming players. Guarda, for example, is an all-in-one wallet that aims to provide its users with accessibility and flexibility. The wallet is available in a web version, as a Chrome extension, as a mobile app and as a desktop app. Currently, it supports close to 50 coins, including Bitcoin, Dash, EOS, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and more. Final thoughts Choosing a crypto wallet is not a simple decision and you should not treat it lightly. But it will allow you to safely store and eventually spend yourcrypto coins. Prepare for a lot of reading and some experimentation, as you may not find your perfect match on the first try. Be that as it may, we hope this guide helped you and offered all the necessary guidance and basic understanding. If you want to talk more about?Cryptocurrencies, please fell free to add my Wechat: bityue,or?follow Official Accounts:BlockSense —-泰达币钱包 |
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